3 Julio - septiembre
Simmel and Ortega y Gasset on emancipation and individuality
Alberto Javier Ribes*
Care policies with a gender perspective
Patricia Rea Ángeles*, Verónica Montes de Oca Zavala** y Karla Pérez Guadarrama***
Hegemonic incorporation of indigenous demands: Formosa, Argentina (1983-1987)
Miguel Leone*
Mexico and the Nordic dream: An impossible?
Kevin Zapata Celestino*
Productivist language, knowledge and academic achievement in social sciences
Rodolfo Masías Núñez**
QCA and Latin American moral policies: application to the Mexican case
Carlos Arturo Martínez Carmona*
The Latin American paradox of happiness. Theoretical and methodological considerations
Eduardo Bericat* y María Julia Acosta**
A hundred years from Weber: science as vocation and the resurgence of national populism
Alejandro Portes**