2 Abril-junio
Three conditions for the configuration of sociological networks in Mexico
Edgar Miguel Góngora Jaramillo*
The center and periphery concept to understand our current liquid reality
Jorge Armando Cañón Niño* y Catalina Ramírez Díaz**
The ethics of personal comfort: A new economic identity
Andrés Aedo* y Francisca Vargas**
Social cleaning: The case of “La Mano Negra” in Bucaramanga, Colombia
Álvaro Acevedo Tarazona*, Andrés Correa Lugos** y Andrea Mejía Jerez***
Sociological analysis of the accounting system from Niklas Luhmann
Héctor Darío Betancur*, Norely Margarita Soto Builes** y Carlos Vargas-González***
Sexual education in classrooms: Laicity as a practice
Armando Javier Díaz Camarena*
The Touraine Boys and the pobladores’ impossible social movement
Alexis Cortés**