Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México • Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales

4 Octubre-Diciembre

Consumption and communication of the socioeconomic position of the Mexican upper class

Beatriz Acuña* y Juris Tipa**

Mexico´s gubernatorial independent candidacies

Orlando Espinosa Santiago*

Pragmatic love: Regimes of love among Argentinean gay men

Maximiliano Marentes*

Gender-based violence complaints against female high school students

Pablo Nahuel di Napoli* y Leticia Pogliaghi**

No future without dreams; The aspirations of indigenous university students

 Lorenza Villa Lever*

Life course and families of centenarian women in Chile

Paulina Osorio-Parraguez*, Catalina Arteaga**, Beatriz Rodríguez***, Ignacia Navarrete**** y Ariel Jiménez*****

Extractive economy in a local government of Mexico City

Héctor Tejera Gaona* y Emanuel Rodríguez Domínguez**

Embryo donation and kinship: A Latin American approach

Jorge Alberto Álvarez Díaz**

Listening and narrating the war: Emotional experiences of Colombian journalists

Juan Pablo Aranguren-Romero**


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La próxima fecha límite
para recepción de artículos
es el 18 de abril de 2025

D. R. © 2015. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales.
Revista Mexicana de Sociología. México, D.F. ISSN: 0188-2503/15/07704-02.