3 Julio-septiembre
Communication for territorial defense and environmental justice
Raquel Aparicio Cid
Reparation and gender arrangements in the Colombian post-conflict
Liza López Aristizábal* y Freddy A. Guerrero**
Characteristics of the ecclesial relational environment of abuse of power
Erick Oñate Jorquera*
Pension reform as neoliberal management
Adriana Rovira*
Transitions of labor-force participation among older Mexicans
Flor Brown Grossman* e Isalia Nava Bolaños**
Pigmentocracy in Mexico: between whiteness, blanquedad, blanquitud and blancura
Susana Vargas Cervantes*
State violence in Mexico: The political exile of 1968
Eugenia Allier Montaño*, Sara Musotti** y Erandi Mejía Arregui***
“Doing politics”: The women shaking up Senegalese politics
Emily Jenan Riley**